In the last few weeks I have been going through my share of experiences and have done and undone alot of things in this time.
- Went to Bintan on a holiday and came back firmed up on my plans ahead
- Hurt a friend terribly and cannot do anything to change what has transpired
- Behaved irrational at instances more than once
- Was deperessed for many days
- Discovered a great new friend
- Missed home and missed my life in Mumbai on days
- Argued away to glory with a person who means alot to me and got to a point where I think we are meant for seperate worlds
- Loads of late nights and lack of sleep
- Wrote a poetry for the first time in many years
So, all in all a very hectic time when I also managed to complete reading The Golden Gate. If I could I would quote every single verse from the book and recommend to all who like reading. I could not help relating it to my own life and the various crossroads I have been at from time to time. It is so interesting to find shades of grey in your own personality and let some author validate it for you through his own writing.
For once I could see myself not arguing to myself and justify my actions but just acknowledging my action in entirity. How often do most of us argue that hurting somebody was a necessity and hence valid? Quite often... But how often do we understand that hurting oneself is also valid since the other person could not avoid doing so?
Strange ways of life and stranger are ways of the mind. Each human mind is unique there is so much of unique strangeness around us. I was having a conversation with my friend the other day and it panned from the Big Bang theory to the evolution of life and how we are miniscule particles in the whole scheme of things. While I agree to all the theorising since it has been done by some people who have dedicated their lives to understand and arrive at assumptions but I still believe that the miniscule life that we lead is still the only thing we experience and in relative terms a decade may be equivalent to a nano second but you live every second of that nano second and can sometime feel that each nano second of that decade was a decade in itself. However these are words of wisdom to escape grief, discontent and pain and even better when one wishes to impress peers and friends but does this change any experience to being inconsequential?
Am done with my inane thoughts for now and will be back with some more.....
1 comment:
Good to see you back!!! How was your holiday?
Man your blogs are getting harder to decipher...
Feel free to treat me like your sounding board when you are down...that's the least we can do for each other.
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